Susan Werner
Evanston, IL
April 22, 2017
Taper: acady
Location: Center Stage, Table 23, about 20 ft from the stage (Zoom on table at about thigh height)
Lineage: Zoom H1 (44khz/16bit)(low cut off, auto level off) > Micro SDHC > PC > CD WAV (track split) > WAV > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC (level 8 encoding)
No editing has been done to this recording. Instruments and vocals are very clear. Talking and singing can be heard around me. Occasionally you can hear some bumps against the mic from when people we were sitting with bumped the table that the recorder was sitting on.
Quality: vg 8.0/10
Do not convert to lossy format.
Trade freely.
01. Pabst Blue Ribbon
02. Kicking The Beehive
03. City Kids (The Revenge of Kevin Oberbroeckling)
04. Herbicides
05. Banter
06. I Can't Be New
07. Banter %
08. What Did You Do To Your Face
09. Dog
10. Banter
11. Did Trouble Me
12. (Why Is Your) Heaven So Small
13. May I Suggest #
14. Banter
15. Yellow House #
16. Banter
17. 1955 Chevy Bel Aire
18. Neath The Havana Moon
19. Varadero
20. Cuba Libre
21. To Be A Bird
22. Ramon
23. Heading South ^
24. Northwind ^
25. Banter
26. Back In The U.S.S.R.
27. My Strange Nation 2017
28. Encore Break
29. Happy Earth Day/Big Yellow Taxi
30. What A Wonderful World @
Running Time: 1 hr 45 min
- Susan mentioned her album of Cuban songs "An American In Havana" will be coming out in August.
- This show took place on Earth Day.
- Radoslav Lorkovic accompanied on accordion and piano.
- Allison Downing salsa danced on stage to Ramon.
% There were four empty seats in the front row off the side of the stage and Susan encouraged people who were standing in the back to come up and claim them.
# Allison Downing on violin.
^ Radoslav Lorkovic on vocals and piano.
@ Alma Mendoza accompanies on vocals.