Suzanne Vega - The Lover, Beloved Tour 2016
Bremen Teater Nyropsgade 39-41 K�benhavn V DK
3rd August 2016
Bootleg title: Calypso Of Copenhagen
Kick Off at 21:00, started precisely on time.
Audience: Estimated 600
Support: Silje Holtan at 20:00
The Bootleg title is a reference to Suzanne's introduction to the first Encore "Calypso"
Suzanne Vega - Vocals & Guitars
Gerry Leonard - Guitars
About 14 Meters from stage, row 13, at center.
Recorded with a Q2 Zoom recorder saving to a 8 GB memory card. Internal front mics set to 150 degrees spread range, level 1,5
Transfer to PC, tracking and cue in Adobe Audition 3.
Track split with LP ripper.
Soundlevels adjusted a tiny bit.
01 - Fat Man & Dancing Girl
02 - Marlene On The Wall
03 - Caramel
04 - Fools Complaint
05 - Crack In The Wall
06 - Jacob & The Angel
07 - Small Blue Thing
08 - Gypsy
09 - The Queen and the Soldier
10 - We of Me
11 - Harper Lee
12 - Ann Marie
13 - Left of Center
14 - I Never Wear White
15 - Some Journey
16 - Luka
17 - Tom's Diner
18 - Calypso
19 - In Liverpool
20 - Rosemary
Concert Features:
Big expectations. I have, far as i can remember back, always enjoyed to listen to Suzanne Vega
Her intense music and lyrics and at a concert garnished with the storytelling about the songs, just stunning
There are very few artist, that, like Suzanne can hold an audience in a grip.
Stage apperance dont seem much, don't be fooled by that. When she starts telling, playing and singing, joined by Gerry Leonard on stage for some very amazing guitar sounds, its just such a match.
Its stunning, amazing and all those goosebumps ran down my arms and back many times during this concert.
The crowd was very responsive, and many times, the whole crowd stood up, clapping at the end of a song.
Must have felt quite overwhelming on stage for Suzanne and Gerry
And to my big joy, an option for some merchandise and a talk with the artist after the show.
It's such a thrill for me when that happens.
Big cheers to Suzanne and Gerry for taking the time, it did not feel like another day at the office :-)
They really took the time for this.
The recording here, is for free sharing.
No limits applied.
No attempts of remastering this project are welcomed, this sounds as close it ever could, as being at the actual gig.
Never ever sell bootlegs, share for free.
Support the artists, go to their concerts and buy their official stuff.
A project by:
Imageworks for
With thanks to Oliver for a little input on the artworks
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: