Forum, Bielefeld, Germany
November - 14 - 2023
supporting COLOUR HAZE

Rec. Info:
2-source 24-48 stereo matrix.
Both Zoom H2n recorder were placed onstage, one on left corner one right corner facing the stage.
Big thanks to my friend MB for recording as I was too sick to go.
Matrixed and tracked via Audacity by Spacebandit, as well as flac'd via TLH8.
A very fine matrix will full force in, no eq'ing done, just declipping. Sorry, no pics on this one,
but I know there will be many for the HAZE part of the evening. Enjoy!

FULL SHOW (45:50 min.)

01. Space bash III (3:55)
02. The heavy seed (14:41)
03. My first knife fight (4:35)
04. Terminal forest (10:38)
05. Mammoth (12:00)


David Kreisl - guitar, vocals
Chris Schmidt - bass
Andy Heib - drums

MB/Spacebandit 2023/11/17