Sweating Honey
First Annual Interior Alaska Cancer Association "Sweating The Cure" Benefit
Big I Pub & Lounge (in a shed at the back)
Fairbanks, AK
June 4, 2010
** 16 BIT **
Source: Soundboard (mono) > Edirol R-09 @ 16 bit/44.1 kHz
Mastering: .WAV > Sound Forge Pro 11.0 (Build 299) [Waves C4 Mulitband Parametric Processor plugin (UNcompressor); minor edits, normalize, & fades] > CDWav (tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 6.0.18 (tagging)
Location: Soundboard
Recorded by: Steve "ballsdeep" Hagar
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
Setlist: (2:00:40)
01 Opening Comments & Intro
02 The Band Checks Levels
03 Teach Me How To Fall
04 Hide & Seek
05 I Don't Care
06 I've Been Waiting So Long
07 Chat
08 Everything She Needs
09 Living Without Love
10 Mustang Sally
11 Going Down This Highway
12 Who's Got The Power?
13 Be My Madeline Baby
14 Chat/Raffle
15 This Town
16 Why Don't We?
17 Grain Of Truth
18 Deep Elem Blues
19 Encore Break
- Encore -
20 Don't Tell Me No Lies
21 Outro
Luke Beckel � vocals & guitar
Drew Frick � guitar & vocals (one band member didn't show up - pretty sure it was Drew)
Brady Anderson � drums & percussion
Nick Shier � percussion
Jeremiah Bakken � bass & vocals
Corwyn Wilkey � trumpet, percussion, & backing vocals
Scott Caddell � tenor saxophone & percussion
Mastering Notes:
A number of song titles are "best guesses".
Show Notes:
This was my first/last time running a board...the soundman they had scheduled bailed, I loaned the band my PA speakers, and there was an ancient, 1970's analog soundboard stored in a corrugated metal "warehouse".
This was my 'mixing desk' for the evening, and what a *nightmare*.
All that said, local jam-band favorites Sweating Honey put on a great 2 hour show as a benefit for a local charity. This is the 'made sweeter by Dennis' soundboard recording of those proceedings (the OG file was a MESS, but now...let your ears be the judge!). I was unable to set up mics due to the snafu getting the wicked-old board working.
And they (Sweating Honey) actually write pretty good songs!
Give thanks to Dennis!
Give 'fuck offs" to me!!!
Back to the grind!
---Dr. Deep is bribing bears with....
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: