Swirve & Orgullo Primitivo - Fallout Lounge; Dallas, TX (04-22-2011)
Notes: This is the Swirve performance (trumpet & drums improv) as well as the improv performance including Stefan Gonzalez of Orgullo Primitivo. Orgullo Primitivo set and Gerard's solo set are posted separately.
Recorded by ryanpanties.
Other Acts That Played:
-Orgullo Primitivo
-Gerard Bendiks (solo)
coresound binaurals > Sony PCM-M10 > Cool Edit Pro > FLAC 8
[setlist unknown]
01. Swirve set
02. Swirve / Orgullo Primitivo improv #1
03. Swirve / Orgullo Primitivo improv #2
To quote from the show promo:
"Orgullo Primitivo is the angry and confused solo brainchild of Stefan Gonzalez. Straight forward blasts of anger consisting only of drums/percussion and vocals.
"Swirve is a great improvisational duo between Chris Curiel (trumpet/electronics/vocals) and Gerard Bendiks (drums/percussion), consisting of swirling melodies and rhythms hinting on free jazz, trip hop, rock, and complete textural exploration, all the while remaining its own thing. And they've been at it for close to 10 years.
"After both sets there will be a collaborative improvisation between both Orgullo Primitivo and Swirve."