Tab Benoit
Seet Tea & Gumbo
Variety Playhouse, Atlanta, Georgia
Taper: MrFender
A Better Than Nothing production.
Recording: Line Audio CM4 (DIN) & DR-40 Internal mics (X/Y)> DR-40 > Audacity track & downsample to 16/44 / TLH FLAC Level 6
- Raw audio as recorded, no processing at all. Do it yourself.
Opener: The Dirty Dozen Brass Band (recorded)
1) Why Are People Like That? (Muddy Waters)
2) Shelter Me (Buddy Miller)
3) Darkness
4) Tab Talking I
5) One Foot in the Bayou (Flie)
6) We Make a Good Gumbo
7) Tab Talking II
8) Nice & Warm
9) Medicine
10) For What It's Worth (Buffalo Springfield)
11) These Arms of Mine (Otis Redding)
12) Standing on the Bank
13) Encore Noise
14) Night Train
Tab Benoit - Guitar, vocals
Corey Duplechin - Bass, backing vocals
Jeffery 'Jellybean' Alexander - Drums
Show 10 or 11 for me seeing Tab, always a treat. This was my second time trying to tape from the balcony (loge is too fancy of word for it). I had recorded Jonny Lang from there years ago with a handheld DR05 but it sounds so distant that I don't think anyone would really want to hear it. Surprised when getting up to the seats that two other tapers were setting up as well (sorry, forgetting names) like it's a Phish or Dead show or something. I don't know of any other Tab shows with multiple recorders but it was sure nice to see. Their mics put mine to shame with full body AKGs and all, hopefully they put out recordings at some point. In the meantime, you'll have to do with mine.
Since Tab is open to taping, I was trying a number of different mics/configurations. Also ran a GoPro for the heck of it. Way too far back for good video but the sound was actually really good, too bad the battery ran out about 3/4 of the way through. One audio deck decided it didn't like it's batteries about 1/3 into the opening act but thankfully I did have a backup R07 that I made due with. I felt better there were other recorders so I ran CA14 omnis in a Healy configuration (180 degrees) which came out ok but not any better than what's here. This was the first outting with my Line Audio CM4s which I tried in a DIN setup but by themselves it didn't sound that great (too far away) so the matrix with the internal DR40 mics sounds better - overall "B"-ish.
Solid performance by Tab as usual but pretty standard set of songs. Medicine's been moved up in the setlist from it's longtime position as the last song before the encore (however Night Train still closes out the show). Seems like forever since Dog Hill was a staple of the show.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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