Stage 3 Botanic Park Adelaide.
No setlist

Mohsen Amini concertina
Benedict Morris Fiddle
Charlie Galloway Guitar.

Great band with lots of energy, they use drum machines and prerecorded bass, which is a bit of a drag, buy they have a spirited act and they are great players.

Stealth mode 25 metres back next to the soundboard tent ,no-one talking nearby, very loud set, sometimes the mix was a bit confused. I did not record the first 10 minutes or so as the bass was so distorted, I spotted some sound crew members on the hill listening to the mix, after they realised it sounded like shit, they rectified the situation, so I thought it worth a capture.
Ultra Premium AT 899 Sub-Miniature Condenser Omnidirectional Stealth Binaural Microphones> Roland R07 bass roll off 100hz > 16bit wav >Adobe audition- Adjust channel levels, , > lower some instrument levels using spectral tools, mostly the guitar and concertina
. lower applause using Acon declick and declip >XACT ( LEVEL 8 ) Playback for editing through QAudio 3010i speakers at 75% volume throguth Marantz amplifier.
Recorded, transferred , edit by godzgolfball
dont sell or distribute for trade in Mp3 format, buy the records and merchandise, support live music ! .

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Images for this show:

Talisk2025-03-09BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (1).jpg
Talisk2025-03-09BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (2).jpg