New York NY
01 The Girls Want to Be with the Girls
02 tuning
03 Stay Hungry
04 Psycho Killer
05 96 Tears
06 I Wish You Wouldn't Say That
07 Warning Sign
08 1,2,3, Red Light
09 No Compassion
10 Artists Only
11 First Week / Last Week... Carefree
12 I'm Not in Love
13 Love -> Building on Fire
14 I Feel it in My Heart
15 Tentative Decisions
Source: Mono AUD (unknown gear) MAC > 1st-gen cassette copy from
"Andy M's" master tape, kindly provided via the BFOQ collection.
Transfer: TDK-SA > Nakamichi CR-5A (Dolby off) > Edirol FA-66 >
Wavelab 2448 > R8Brain SRC > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged.
Transfer by
Note: Date not written on tape. Based on several of the song
arrangements and the fact that Chris is playing his vibraphone
on some songs, the date of this show would be early in 1976.
It's not clear if the songs here are in the correct order, nor
if this was a single-set show, or parts of a two-set show...
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: