Patrick Gymnasium UVM
Burlington VT
01 Artists Only
02 Stay Hungry
03 Cities
04 Paper
05 Mind
06 Heaven
xx Electric Guitar (missing)
07 Air/ (cut)
08 Animals
09 Love -> Building on Fire
10 Found a Job
xx Memories Can't Wait (missing)
11 Psycho Killer
-- encore:
12 Life During Wartime
13 Take Me to the River/ (cut)
-- Bonus track:
14 Tina & David, Australian Triple-R radio snippets, June 1979
Source: Mono SBD > ? > Nth-gen cassette copy, with thanks to BFOQ.
Transfer: TDK D-60 > Nakamichi CR-5A (Dolby off) > Edirol FA-66 >
Wavelab 2448 > R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged. Transfer
Note: Unfortunately, the tape is damaged, with an array of issues
from multiple generations; hiss, garble-damage, blurry parts, etc.