Sweetwaters Festival
Pukekawa New Zealand
01 Psycho Killer
02 Heaven
03 Thank You for Sending Me an Angel
04 Found a Job
05 Slippery People
06 Cities
07 Burning Down the House
08 Making Flippy Floppy
19 Swamp
10 What a Day that Was
11 Naive Melody
12 Once in a Lifetime
13 Big Business
14 I Zimbra
15 Genius of Love
16 Girlfriend is Better
17 Take Me to the River
18 crowd going nuts
19 Encore: Life During Wartime
20 Bonus track: DB interview New Zealand, February 1984
Source: AUD (unknown gear) MAC > low-gen cassette copy via BFOQ.
Transfer: Maxell XLII > Nakamichi CR-5A (Dolby off) > Edirol FA-66 >
Wavelab 2448 > R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged. Transfer
Source note Dec 2021: BFOQ kindly located the second cassette; this
updated file-set includes the previously missing end of show. If you
have the 2018 BFOQ file-set, you only need to download tracks 17 thru
20 plus text, checksums, & m3u, as the other files remain unchanged.
Note: The penultimate Talking Heads concert, and the final complete
show, as DB reportedly walked off stage partway thru the 02/06 gig.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: