Haldern, Germany
Haldern Pop Bar
19. Mai 2017
minimax master-series #760
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: right side, in front of the speaker, about 0,86 cm away from the stage
Sound-quality: excellent (-)
Ticket-costs: free concert
Equipment: Zoom H4N with Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8 !!!
in the Netherlands these two twin brothers and their band are something like famous due to their vocals � remembering in a way to Simon and Garfunkel. They started their latest tour up here in the Pop Bar at Haldern. A nice and relaxed evening, not my cup of tea, but when some fans come over from Amsterdam to see them they must be something special...
Including Cover-Artwork!
Sander Brinks
Arnoud Brinks
Setlist: (taken from the setlist)
When I look in your eyes
The book that can't be read
Where did my happiness go?
Everything is different now
Love could tear us apart
Thank God for you
Disappears with time
New York City
Howling wind
Only one last teardrop
Stars in your eyes
No recall
Things go like this anyway
You ain't going nowhere
support this band
Go to their concerts
Buy their records and merch!
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: