Tangerine Dream
Lukaskirche Gelsenkirchen, Germany
(Part of) Tangerine Tree - Volume 56 - Berlin & Gelsenkirchen 1981
01: Kiew Mission (07:25)
02: Choronzon (10:07)
03: Mojave Plan (08:30)
Performed by Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Johannes Schmoelling.
Produced and released by the tadream discussion list (P) 2004.
FM broadcast recording remastered by (Side Effects). Cover by Maff.
Tangerine Tree concept and coordination by Tangerinedreamer.
Converted to SHN by Leah Cim, using Exact Audio Copy and mkw Audio Compression Tool.
Produced by fans for fans - never sell or buy; trade freely.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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