Tangerine Dream
Nov. 10th, 1982
Rosengarten, Mozartsaal,
Mannheim, Germany
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Tangerine Dream Live at the Mozartsaal, Mannheim 1982-11-10 great quality master.
Taped by Mr. (Herr) Peter D. utilizing a professional Uher field recorder and undocumented professional microphones.
At times this recording sounds like a soundboard.
Although not quite complete, you have almost the entire concert to listen to.
This tape represents the band in peak form during one of their most popular periods.
If you are unfamiliar with their music, this is a great place to start.
I highly recommend this to lovers of electronic prog music.
IMO during this time period Tangerine Dream were beginning to move away from straight electronica into more melodious forms of rhythm.
The music floats in and out from one program to another, and is at times darkly soaring, at times danceable, but is always compelling.
Lineage: Uher recorder with unknown prof mikes ->2x BASF Chrom Dioxid 90's ->Tascam 112MkII Prof ->Echo Layla 3G ->Sound Forge 6.0 ->Maxell Cd-rPRO's ->FLAC via Nero
A DoinkerTape
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Disc 1:
Track No01: Logos 1
. . . . . . . . . Heritage Survival
. . . . . . . . . Mirage - Desert Run
. . . . . . . . . The Night in Romania
. . . . . . . . . Dreamscape
. . . . . . . . . Choronzon
(tape flip)
Track No02: Tangent
Disc 2:
Track No01: Mojave Plan
. . . . . . . . . Logos 2-6
(tape flip)
Track No02: Logos 7
Track No03: Midnight in Tula
Track No04: White Eagle
Track No05: Dominion
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Edgar Froese
Christoph Franke
Johannes Schmoelling
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Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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