Tangerine Dream
Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool 19 March 1986
Disc 1
01 Intro UK 86
02 Stratosfear 86
03 Akash Deep
04 Beneath the Waves
05 Zen Garden
06 Scuba Scuba
07 Coloured Rain
08 Piano Medley
Disc 2
01 Dolphin Dance
02 Northern Lights
03 Cool Breeze of Liverpool
04 Going West
05 Yellowstone Park
06 Underwater Twilight
07 Legend Leftover
08 Unicorn Theme
09 Rare Bird
10 Bois de Boulogne
Recording lineage for Liverpool
Unknown recorder, unknown transfer -> Cassette(n), both received in trades
Playback lineage -
Cassette(n) on Technics Cassette Deck -> Alesis Masterlink @ 44.1kHz, 16-bit (track splits, fades, splices, level adjustment) -> CDR -> EAC to .wav -> TLH to .flac
TLH sez no SBEs
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Mastered by GRC May 2008
Mastering notes;
The tapers seemed to use C90s, and transfer to a mix of C90 and C60, so there's quite a few fades and patches
Breaks between discs co-incide with tape flips, so just get fade-in/out.
No EQ, just level adjustment in each case.
The tunes 'Cool Breeze of (town/city)' - title taken from the official Tangs Vault release, which, when they played at Brighton, had this tune titled 'Cool Breeze of Brighton'...
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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