Tangerine Dream
August 30 1988
Open Air at Nautica Stage Cleveland, OH
Another almost complete audience recording (mono) from the Optical Race tour 1988.
01 Mothers of Rain (2:58) (cuts in)
02 After the Call (5:37)
03 Tyger (4:59)
04 Alchemy of the Heart (4:13)
05 Papyrus (3:39)
06 Phaedra 88 (4:29)
07 Live Miles (10:16)
08 Logos 88 (5:57)
09 Parabola (13:23)
10 Table Bay (2:21)
11 Nomad's Scale (9:01)
12 Cat Scan (5:36)
13 Atlas Eyes (4:29)
14 Marakesh (8:02)
15 Eden�s Gate (1:38)
16 Ghazal (5:04)
(Alexander Square is missing)
17 The Silent League (1:45)
18 Canyon Voices (4:48)
19 The Midnight Trail (3:39)
20 House of the Rising Sun (4:51)
21 Optical Race (3:16)
Edgar Froese
Paul Haslinger
Ralph Wadephul
Audience recording (MONO).
Trader's CD-R > [EAC] > WAV > [Steinberg WaveLab6] fade ins/outs, some edits* >
[EAC] track splits > [TLH] FLAC8
* Some clicks were removed. Part 1 (from disc 1 and part 2 (from disc 2) were recom-
bined. There were only the last 3 seconds of Alexander Square and the applause after-
wards, this part was edited out and Ghazal connected with Silent League. A gap in the
applause between House of the Rising Sun and Optical Race was filled with the app-
lause for Alexander Square.
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