Tangerine Dream
Sept 24 2005
Theater Brandenburg, Germany
Paradiso, 2nd of 3 shows
101 La grande spirale (9'58)
102 Beyond Sodom and Gomorrha (10'15)
103 La ley de la Montana (7'42)
104 A cielo della Luna (12'45)
105 Mercury Sphere (6'17)
106 L'era della venere (12'57)
107 Invisible Sun (9'22)
108 Jupiter Lightning (8'13)
201 La forza del Saturno (18'18)
202 Stars in Distant Glow (7'40)
203 No More Birth, No More Death (8'39)
204 Transformazione (10'47)
205 Truth Beyond Thoughts (6'10)
206 L'ultima tromba d'oro (8'19)
207 Leaving (7'58)
208 Closing Words (3'01)
The Band:
Edgar Froese
Thorsten Quaeschning
Iris Camaa
Linda Spa
Brandenburger Symphoniker
conducted by Michael Helmrath
Neuer Kammerchor Potsdam
Iris Camaa
Jaynay Klimek
Saskia Klumpp
Barbara Kindermann
Tatjana Kouchev
Fridolin Johann Harms
Bianca Acquaye
MD master recording > CD-R (WAV) > Steinberg WaveLab4] > some little edits* > [EAC] > track splits > [TLH] > FLAC8
This is almost the taper's raw recording that he sent me on two CD-R one week after the concert. All in all it sounds nice,
just a bit of hiss in the quiet passages. Only two digital errors in 'Beyond Sodom and Gomorrha' were edited out and a mis-
sing piece (appr. 1'16'') between 'Jupiter Lightning' and 'La forza del Saturno' was repaired with a piece of another recor-
ding of this concert.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: