Tangerine Dream - Lostbrook 2.0 Volume 50
April 9, 2014
Cruise to the Edge (Day 3)
Pool Stage
MSC Divina
Docked at Cozumel, Mexico
Source: CA-14(cards)>CA-9200>Sony M10(24/48)
Transfer: Micro SDHC>PC>WAV>CQ Mastering>FLAC(16/44.1)
30' from stage, dead center(tracks 1-6)
15' from stage-right stack (tracks 7-11)
Taper: Lostbrook
Mastering: CQ
Covers: ethiessen1
Set List: Gary861
01 The Sensational Fall Of The Master Builder (8:06)
02 Dolphin Dance (4:58)
03 Song Of The Whale, Part Two...To Dusk (7:12)
04 Ayumi's Loom (4:10)
05 Logos (excerpt) (5:31)
06 Marmontel Riding On A Clef (cuts out*) (7:24)
07 Love On A Real Train (cuts in*) (3:24)
08 Mothers Of Rain (5:29)
09 Betrayal (Sorcerer Theme) (3:47)
10 Cloudburst Flight (8:08)
11 The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green>Band Intros (9:19)
*emergency bathroom break!
I mentioned in the previous volume that I was already having some difficulty staying awake. With Tangerine Dream coming up next, I knew I was in big trouble so I drank lots of coffee between shows. This violates my principle of limiting fluid intake before a performance, but let's face it, that rule started to go out the window the moment I stepped foot on the ship. A few other taper's rules were also discarded as the week progressed. This was vacation after all, and I couldn't expect to maintain a sterile taping environment for every performance, could I?
I grabbed a seat in the sweet spot and immediately noticed a guy behind me fiddling with some equipment under his shirt. When he confirmed that he was planning to record the show, I took the empty seat next to him, checked out his Zoom H6, and traded stories with him. Before long, I discovered there were two others in our row that were also recording. (All were using internal mics.) It was immediately apparent that wind was going to be an issue. It was quite gusty, with the wind hitting me pretty hard on the right shoulder. There was a pool towel handy that I used as a shield once the show started, but I wasn't sure how effective it would be. We all shielded ourselves in one way or another, and it was quite obvious that we were either recording or slightly insane.
Even though I had used the men's room beforehand, the show was no more than ten minutes old when I knew I was in trouble. This was potentially a 90-minute set so I knew I had a long road in front of me. I fought as long as possible and by the end of track 3 I was already squirming. My finger hovered above the recorder's stop button for all of track 6 until I could wait no longer. I hated to bail out, especially in front of other tapers. I tried to convey the message quietly to the Zoom guy but I don't think he understood. I cursed myself for dereliction of duty but it was time to leave. Unlike other cruises I've been on, finding a bathroom on this ship was always difficult for me. One night I found one in a convenient location and when I went back the next night it was gone! Anyway, the story ends without me needing a change of clothes, but I was angry with myself and debated whether or not I should return for the rest of the show. I suspected the recording was already screwed from the wind but it was better to finish it anyway, so I found a convenient spot to stand near the stage-right stack and completed the recording. I vowed to redeem myself at Tangerine Dream's theater show on Day 5, but that wasn't to be the case. (That story later.) I hoped to find the Zoom guy afterwards to arrange a future patch but I never saw him again. In the end, it's not a bad recording at all and the wind damage isn't nearly as bad as I expected. Not surprisingly, I'm enjoying it much more now than I did then.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: