Tangerine Dream
"From Virgin to Quantum Years 2022"
The Limelight
Northern Ireland
Wednesday March 2nd 2022 (2022-03-02)
Lineage: Recorded to WAV with field recorder app for android at 48000Hz mono, with softclip off, boost off, and slow limit switched on. 10th row, seated, right of stage. Crowd noise cut from start, and faded out at end, in Audacity. Exported as 24bit FLAC.
Tracked in Audacity
Line Up:
Thorsten Quaeschning
Hoshiko Yamane
Sebastian Sadowski
NOTE: Paul Frick had food poisoning and Sebastian Sadowski filled in
1. Walk On and Intro
2. Stratosfear
3. Betrayal (Sorceror Theme)
4. Tangram Set 1
5. Logos
6. Choronzon
7. Los Santos City Map
8. It's Time To Leave When Everyone Is Dancing
9. Love On A Real Train
10. Raum
11. Continuum
12. Dolphin Dance
13. White Eagle
15. Horizon Part 1
16. Horizon Part 2
18. encore break/crowd
17. Session
Some words from Thorsten, at the beginning:
"I usually don't talk before music, mostly not after the concert because I believe that after playing 2 hours of music, words are grounding and that's not my intention in performance. But, sad but true, Paul is sick, very sick.... But on the other hand we have a special guest tonight. ... Sebastian Sadowski - he was playing with me since 2003. He will join us for playing the chords and ... " *audience cheering*
and at the end:
"Such a strange feeling after two years sitting in the studio ... I wasn't sure if I like touring, but actually now I know what I have missed the last two years, so thank you very much for coming." *huge applause
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: