Tania Maria
May 16, 1986 [1986-05-16]
The Catalyst
Santa Cruz, California
From 4 channel Soundboard + Microphones matrix mix cassette master - EX+ sound quality. This show was shared once before by me in 2011 from an earlier transfer and mix; but only as a 16/44.1 matrix mix and the files were not titled properly or tagged.
This is being shared in both 16/44.1 and 24/48. This here is the 16/44.1 version suitable for burning to CDRs. The 24/48 file set is being shared elsewhere at [ADDRESS TO BE ADDED AFTER IT IS AVAILABLE].
2 channels of monitor soundboard and 2 channels with 2 Crown PZM microphones over stage and 2 Nakamichi cm-300 microphones also over stage plus an ambient microphone mounted on the house left balcony railing > Dolby C Maxell XLII-S cassette masters > Yamaha MT44D 4 channel recorder (4 channels of 45 minutes per 90 min. tape in one direction when sensor is on back of cassette).
New Transfer [grner1 - 2020]: Yamaha MT44D (Dolby C decoded) > 2 x Macintosh with Digidesign AudioMedia III sound card > Pro Tools (digital matrix mix, normalization, time alignment, minor “nip and tuck” edits, tracking and down-sampling - no EQ or DNR) > AIFF files > xAct (Flac level 8 files, tagged with sector boundaries verified). Tracked to fit on CDRs but the disc change is seamless. Special thanks to Goody for verifying the speed accuracy.
CD1 - 77:50
101 applause and announcer intro 0:45
102 Made In New York 8:27
103 Tania’s band intros and intro to next song 1:17
104 É Carnaval 12:58 *** Note to SugrMegs stream , THIS TRACK DID NOT DECODE AND IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE STREAM :(
105 The Lady From Brazil 7:14
106 My Supernatural Dream (?) 8:32
107 Bronx 10:54
108 intro to the next song - Tania with audience hand-clapping 1:46
109 Funky Tamborim 9:32
110 Come With Me 14:36
111 encore break 1:49
CD2 - 8:54 - encore:
201 Don’t Go 8:03
202 final thanks and applause 0:51
Tania Maria - piano, vocals
Tom Campbell - drums
Eddie Gomez - bass
Notes [grner1 2021-02-17]: The multiple microphones were run through a sub-mixer while recording this master. For this transfer I am preserving the original soundboard and microphone channel files so that others can do their own mixes later. The other versions will be shared if requested but due to minimal interest will NOT be fully tagged like the matrix versions are. Trust me that these 4 channel shows sound MUCH better with a matrix mix than they do as just soundboard or microphone versions.
Thanks to Randall Kane, the now deceased owner of the Catalyst, for supporting the music there for so long and to Catalyst sound man Roger Buffalo for allowing access to so many shows to record over the years. Here’s a link to the trailer for a documentary about the Catalyst that was released in 2010 that includes a short interview segment with Randall and gives a bit of an idea of what it was like at The Catalyst back in those days:
Please support the artists and live venues any way that you can.
Enjoy and SHARE!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: