Tea Leaf Green
Steel Jam
Steel Stacks
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K>
Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 20' From Stage, 5 1/2' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man
Seeded By: Z-Man

Disc I

01 ?
02 Don't Curse At The Night
03 ?
04 *Ride Together
05 Sex In The 70's
06 Wet Spot >
07 ?
08 Incandescent Devil >
09 Let Us Go

* Rain Destroys Trevor's Keyboard

Show Notes: When I set up about 20' from stage, the skies were very overcast
and threatening. After the first 2 songs, the rain came fast and furious and stayed
with us for the entire show. I had to put my stand under a table umbrella.