Tedeschi Trucks Band
Aug 13, 2011
Bohemain Nights
Mountain Ave Stage
Fort Collins CO
Total Time = 105:47

2 Source Matrix:
DPA 4022| DPA 4027

Source 1: DPA 4022 ORFT FOB
w/V3 Preamp -> Tascam DR680

Souce 2: DPA 4027 - Grace Bar: 10 CM
spacing directed toward outside of
stacks w/Big Box -> Tascam DR680

Location: Mics - FOB ~60 - 80 from
stage. Mics clamped to 4 foot rail
first set at 13 feet and on mic stand
at 11 feet second set.

Transfer: Tascam DR680 (24/96) wav ->
USB cable -> PC

Editing: Wavelab plugins -> Flac(16)

MD5's and SBE checked and verified.

Recorded by Patrick H.

Disc 1 Set 1 (58:58)
01 Ain't getting out of bed 8:42
02 Raised to be a School girl 7:15
03 Changing my mind? 9:54
04 Love on my side? 10:44
05 Believe in me ? 14:35
06 Band Intro 0:51
07 Blues Song? 6:57

Disc 2 set 1 cont (46:43)
01 Quit you baby? 7:05
02 Traveling? 9:21
03 Its Alright 12:04
04 Take us Higher 8:53
05 Going to love you? 9:20

Notes: Bohemain Nights is a 3 day
festival in Fort Collins with many
many music acts. The TBB headlined
on the Saturday and played a
inspired long set with encore.

Sound at the show was pretty good
and sound of the recording is good.
This was a free Show and had a packed
crowd. Crowd noise can be heard, but
mostly is background.

Performance: A+
Sound Quality: A-

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