TERJE RYPDAL TRIO [Spacebandit-TomP]
Victoria Nasjonal Jazzscene, Oslo Norway
Source: http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=542421 - A LARS M RECORDING: AIWA CM30A Mic > SONY PCM
D50 (WAV 16/44) > SDcard > HD > USB stick (via Snailmail) > my HD > Audacity (edit only) > WAV 16/44 > TLH8 > FLAC
Artwork is included thanks to fbauer, who also provided the track split / timings
Quality: Worth an A+
Another fine clear Spacebandit post that just needed the fixing of the inevitable deficiencies inherent in audience
recording, this is now a really great listen and of course with anything Rypdal related - an essential download IMHO.
TomP post on Dime, Oct.2015...Enjoy !!
Terje Rypdal - guitar
St�le Storl�kken - hammond organ
Paolo Vinaccia - drums
01 - Mystery Man (9:04) >
02 - The Return Of Per Ulv (8:12)
03 - Maya (5:18) >
04 - Fast Cymbals + Seasons (3:57) >
05 - Organ + Drums Duo (6:02)
06 - DJ Paolo: "Natalie Otto" (2:01) >
07 - Magic C (5:19) >
08 - Memory Lane (5:06) >
09 - Mr. Steele (organ solo) (4:58) >
10 - Last Nite (5:16) >
11 - Parle Con Me (drum solo) (6:25)
12 - The Curse (12:48)
13 - Dare Devil (9:27)
14 - Chaser (5:47)
15 - DJ Paolo outro: "Radio Special" (4:12)
Total = 93:53
Edit details (Nero 8):
Cross-mix channels, 99:1 ratio
Phase offset correction, moved L-channel +4 samples
Retracked tracks which start before end of previous track
Fixed volume variations in tracks 01-03
Removed 32 sec of silent audience in track 03
Removed the outro and intro
Original comments:
Recorded by dear taper brother and friend Lars from the balcony right side of the stage. Fantastic recording! Sold
out show! A few words by Lars: "Nice place for recording, not too many people around me. I moved the chair besides
me before the concert and sitting alone with a bottle (sic!) of good red wine, as I've done the last three times
I've been there. Nice recoding, too." Setlist scan is included
Great show by these three "Ausnahmekoenner" (as we say in german). Very intensive jamming on highest level. You
will love this recording! SB.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: