Artist: Terry Allen
Date: 2009-07-24
Venue: Cactus Cafe
City: Austin, Texas
Recording Location: Third Row left side
Recrding Info: Audience->Sonic DSM-6S/L->Sonic PA-3SX->MT2496->cdwav
recorded by seedy
01. The Juarez Device [cut]
02. What of Alicia
03. There Oughta Be A Law Against Sunny Southern California
04. Bottom of The World
05. Amarillo Highway
06. The Beautiful Waitress
07. The Great Joe Bob (A Regional Tradgedy)
08. Highplains Jamboree
09. Little Queenie
10. Buck Naked
set ii
11. Billy The Boy (Pedal Steal Medley)
Billy-Ft Sumner-Loneliness-Lonely Road-Billy
12. Crisis Site 13
13. Blue Asian Reds
14. After The Fall
15. Back Out Of The World...?
16. John Wayne's Dead...?
17. Peggy Legg
18. The Doll
19. My Amigo
20. Wilderness Of This World
21. Flatland Boogie
22. New Delhi Freight Train
23. Do They Dream Of Hell In Heaven....?
24. Gimmie A Ride To Heaven
25. Bloodlines