THE MACHINE (Nederland)
Yellowstock Festival 2016
De Bogaard, Geel, Belgie
August - 13 - 2016 - Act #6
Outdoor (app. 18:00 -> 19:00)
A MIRO and BLUESHACKS taping trip
Rec. Info:
Sony ECM 717 -> ZoomH2n (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memorycard -> HD -> Memorystick -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
A bunch of recordings from the sadly final edition of famous YELLOWSTOCK festival located inside the city of Geel. Most recordings were done by patching the mic and recorder
on the roof of the soundboard booth, some others (so indicated) were done close to the stage. Most of the recordings have also a few nice pics by Blueshacks included.
All thanks to our two taping warriors for capturing these fine moments in music history.
Some of you fellow spacestoner heads might know that this is one of my absolute favourite bands since I first saw them perform at the PNF (Psychedelic Network Festival) back in 2010.
And I've enjoyed them a lot since that magnificient concert jumping on every chance to catch them on stage where and when I could do. But I did not know that THE MACHINE were the
ultimative "houseband" of the Yellowstock Festival through all the years and this final show there was their 8. (eighth!). So, quite some dedications from these fine guys/musicians
towards the organizers and friends around. The setlist settles more on the recent albums, leaving out all songs from the first three albums, which were soooo fucking amazing.
But as this was one of their only few shows played in 2016, it's ok with me that they chose the "secure mode" with the songs played on their last tour.
Anyway, this is fucking great heavy psychstoner music for mind, soul and the shaking bones...Enjoy! SB.
FULL SHOW (59:17 min.)
01. Intro -> Awe (9:05)
02. Tuning (1:19)
03. Gamma (6:50)
04. Coda sun (5:30)
05. David's thanks (0:55)
06. Kneiter (12:54)
07. Talk and tune (0:57)
08. Off course (7:13)
09. Come to light (14:30)
(they've just re-released their first album there. F***ing awesome!)
Support this awesome band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your private "Nostromo" can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording)...there's always a container on Rotterdam port for you...forever...
THE MACHINE working as usual...
DAVID EERING - Gibson blacktop, voice
HANS VAN HEEMST - Rickenbaker four string
DAVY BOOGAARD - Bashes and Battery
@ THE MACHINE: Dank u well. See you soon.
(Not quoted: This band is very taperfriendly. So I think it's ok with them to upload here.)
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2016/09/28
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: