The Who
22nd October 1969
Fillmore East
New York
Lineage: Accept No Substitute Silver CD -> WAVE (Exact Rip with xACT)
-> FLAC (Level 8, xACT) -> WAV (FLAC Frontend) -> SoundForge v8.0b (Speed Correction)
-> Adobe Audition v1.5 (Channel Reversing & Re-Tracking) -> SHNTool (SBE's)
-> FLAC (FLAC Frontend Level 5)
Silver: Big Music (BIG 011)
Track Listing:
01 Band Introduction
02 Heaven And Hell
03 I Can't Explain
04 Fortune Teller
05 Young Man Blues Intro
06 Young Man Blues
07 Tommy Intro
08 Overture
09 It's A Boy
10 1921
11 Amazing Journey
12 Sparks
13 Eyesight To The Blind
14 Christmas (Fades Out)
15 Listening To You (Fades In)
16 Summertime Blues
17 Shakin' All Over
Notes: Artwork, FLAC Fingerprints & MD5 Verifcation File are all included.
Many thanks to scirius for supplying the original Accept No Substitute Silver CD.
Stage Banter Transcription by Tom Pratt!
Thanks also to ooru for his knowledge on this performance and the errorneous block
of music.
Speed Correction, Channel Reversing and Re-Tracking by hntgzr.
Speed Correction - Pitch Shifted by +64.5 Cents, High Accuracy with Anti-Alias Filter.
Channel Reversing - Simple reversal of left and right channels.
Re-Tracking - Intro to Young Man Blues seperated from end of Fortune Teller. Tommy
Intro seperated from end of Young Man Blues. Sparks seperated from Amazing Journey.
Christmas and Listening To You seperated from Eyesight To The Blind. Christmas faded
out to remove an erroneous block of Amazing Journey present in the track after Christmas
and prior to Listening To You. Listening To You faded in due to removal of erroneous
block of Amazing Journey.
Sector Boundary Errors - Corrected where necessary using SHNTool.
No other remastering took place. Shakin' All Over still appears to run slower, but
rather than attempt to correct it, it has been left using the same Speed Correction
settings as the rest of the show.
Brought to you by: Long Live Rock