Peabody’s Down Under, Cleveland, OH
Lineage: AUD > Maxell XLII (GEN?) > Nakamichi DR-1 > Cubase 4 > AIFF Bounce > xACT FLAC Level 8
NOTE: I ripped this from my own cassette collection, which I collected from 1988 to 1994. My apologies if this has circulated here before. This is a fair-sounding AUD recording with some nutty stereo panning issues I tried to at least mitigate in this upload. It may also be a cleaner/lower-gen copy than prior existing uploads, as I’ve had it for over 20 years.
01 Hello Radio Intro
02 Kiss Me, Son of God
03 (She Was A) Hotel Detective
04 Ana Ng
05 Your Racist Friend
06 'Scream as if you're in Hell'
07 Hide Away Folk Family
08 They'll Need A Crane
09 'Who's that old guy behind you'
10 Road Movie to Berlin
11 Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head
12 Purple Toupee-The Famous Polka
13 I'll Sink Manhattan
14 Santa's Beard
15 I've Got A Match
16 Lie Still, Little Bottle
17 Don't Let's Start
18 Cowtown
19 She's An Angel
20 Shoehorn With Teeth
21 'This is a song about a nightmare'
22 Where Your Eyes Don't Go
23 Alienation's For The Rich