They might be Giants
Munich, Schlachthof
March 12th 1989
FM (analogg cable) -- Cassette -- CD -- Harddisk -- Traders little Helper
01 Intro
02 Intermezzo
03 Anna Ang
04 Your rassist friend
05 Kiss me, son of god
06 Purpose to pay
07 Famous Polka
08 I sink Manhatten
09 They'll need a man
10 Number 3
11 Rythm section
12 Istanbul
13 I saw my Baby wearing Santas beard
14 Don't let start
15 Cowtown
16 She was a hotel detective
17 Why does the sun shine
18 Mr. Me
TT: 49:18
This is my contribution to the TMBG flood and the complete broadcast of the music � I
remember, that there were some interview snippets between some songs I�ve added out at
that time. Maybe someone has the entire broadcast, in my memory it was appr. 75 min long.
Also I�m not totally sure about the tracklist, so any help is appreciated.