They Might Be Giants
Boston, MA 04/22/2010
Rose Kennedy Greenway - Earth Day 2010

Source: Sony ECM-719 > M-Audio Microtrack II
Lineage: M-Audio Microtrack II > USB > WAV > Adobe Audition 2.0 > CDWAV > Traders Little Helper

Upside Down Frown
Your Racist Friend
Ana Ng
"Audience Chat"
The Mesopotamians
"Audience Chat"
Alphabet of Nations
"Audience Chat"
Why Does the Sun Shine?
"Update on the last song"
Why Does the Sun Really Shine?
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
"Audience Chat"
Meet the Elements
Memo to Human Resources
Stone Pony
Dr Worm
The Guitar
Clap Your Hands
"Audience Chat"
Where Your Eyes Don't Go
New York City
We Want a Rock
She's An Angel
Damn Good Times
"Band Intros"
Eight Hundred and Thirteen Mile Car Trip
"Encore Break"
We Live In a Dump
"Audience Chat"
What is a Shooting Star?
Birdhouse in your soul

Notes: Free show in downtown Boston for Earth Day 2010.
The first track is a little chaotic because the band asked everyone to come in front of the barrier to dance (The barrier was set back about 30 feet from the stage). There are a lot of people moving around me for the majority of the first song.