Tift Merritt
Berwyn, IL
Saturday July 12, 2008
t01 Morning is my Destination
t02 Hopes Too High
t03 Stray Paper
t04 I Know What I'm looking for Now
t05 Another Country
t06 Laid a Highway
t07 *Supposed to Make You Happy
t08 between song banter
t09 My Heart is Free
t10 Ain't looking Closely
t11 Broken
t12 Late Night Pilgrim
t13 Tender Branch
t14 Something to Me
t15 *end of Something to Me
t16 between song banter
t17 When I Cross Over
t18 Good Hearted Man
t19 Your Love Made a U-Turn
t20 Mille Tendresses
*Tift moved to the front of the stage and played acoustic so I tracked these separately and boosted the volume so the listener won't
turn up the volume and get blasted by the applause.
source: AKG481(fob) > V3 > MT2496 (16/44.1)
location: mics held head high
recorded by: Jeff Frank jsfrank@sbcglobal.net
Tracked in CD Wave