KRO Studio
The Netherlands
1988-06-01 (1 June 1988, date is a best guess - according to this KRO website, they played there on this date: http://theatervanhetsentiment.kro.nl/80sconcerten)
Please note that I updated the info file for the other Timbuk3 torrent (http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=445338) to reflect the year: 1990.
01 Eden Alley
02 Rev. Jack and his roamin' Cadillac church
03 Little people
04 World war 3
05 Facts about cats
06 Life is hard
07 The future's so bright I gotta wear shades
Single broadcast coming from two sources: tracks 01-04 are from a KRO studio session on 1 June 1988. Tracks 05-07 were recorded live in concert by VARA, but unfortunately, I have no idea where.
Just like the other Timbuk3 torrent I uploaded earlier today, this was broadcast by KRO for Hubert van Hoof's "Op Slag van Maandag."
Another one I used to play to death in my dad's car...
Lineage: FM (master) > Audacity (wav, normalization, track splitting) > xACT (flac) > you
I'm digitizing my tape collection, mostly recorded from Dutch radio in the 80s and early 90s. The original tapes will be binned and after seeding I will not keep the original flac sets, so unfortunately I will not be able to reseed them in the future.