Village Underground
London, England
Source: Audience recording > audioreality binaurals > Sony PCM-M10 > wav 24/96
Lineage: wav 24/96 > iZotope Ozone 5 Advanced > iZotope RX3 Advanced > wav 16/44.1 >
CD Wave > TLH > Flac 16
Recorded from a central position, about 30 feet back from stage
I haven't put together the setlist because it would take too long to identify all the songs.
All you need to know is that there were no female singers, this was a lads night out. They
came to have fun and totally nailed it.
They started out with some acapella, moved on to some slow hypnotic tunes and gradually built up until they were tearing
it up by the end of the show. A complete success, truly magnificent.
- tinariw�n "deserts", plural of t�n�r� "desert"
- There was an opening band, an African band possibly UK based, I've no idea who they are but they were pretty good too.
- The photos, which I found on the web, are from the night before.
recorded, edited and mastered
March 2014
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: