"Fools on the hill"
Burg Herzberg Festival 2017
Breitenbach, Hesse, Germany
July - 28 - 2017 (app. 15:50 -> 17:15)
Rec. Info:
AudioReality hademade stealth mics -> Sony D50 (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memorycard -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost/balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC ->DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear friend and taper genius Lars from somewhere close to the stage edge in the drying mud that turned into glue. Not walking on the moon, like walking on Uranus, where every
feet weights a 1000 kilograms...Sounds pretty good, most likely our dear taper moved a bit. Almost no troubling chatters but some loud clappers (which I reduced in volume as possible).
System sound was quite low, feels sometimes as an "unamplified" concert. No further equalizing done, this is warts and mud and all. Soory just one shot from the band and one from the ground
to show you about conditions there...all thanks please - straight to Oslo.
Spacey's notes...
Well...where to start? Once again, mother nature showed us small humans its real power. Unfortunately at the start of lovely but definitely fucking exhausting Burg Herzberg Hippie
Convention daze it was the wrong side of the medal. As it had rained real heavy since the sunday before, only about 3000 people made their straight way to the campground. After that -
nothing was moving up. So, after our crew decided not to drive there on wednesday but a day later, we ended up at a lovely wood/cornfield some four kilometers from entrance. Yes, we
were lucky about the place to set up our camp, it was a long way to walk. After some more heavy rain on thursday afternoon we decided to walk down into...a sea of quicksand...I remember
humming along the Primus' lines "My name is MUD". Anyway, the bands played and despite even more rain we enjoyed the night. Friday the rain stopped, but the "quicksand" turned into glue
which made every step even more exhausting. Finally on sunday (yes, the name was program) all turned back to almost "normal" conditions, as you could walk and having a good time.
But in my 21 stays at the "Holy Mountain" I've not experienced like that. Anyway, me and all others there will laugh about it soon.
Thanks a lot to the taper crew: My dear friend Lars from Oslo, Propy, Rendel, Blueshacks and Harrie the Fox (didn't see the others!) and to the lovely camping gang of my brother Martin,
sister-in-law Martina, Norbert and Erika, Thomas and Manuela, Olaf, Martina and Achmed from Hangover-City, Martin from Bochum and Reinhard from Muehlheim and the ones I might have forgotten. Big hands up to the very mellow security and the organizers (somtimes shit happens, do the best of the situtation you're in).
I'll be there next year, no chance I won't do it...because it's HOLY MOUNTAIN TIME!
And now let the music do the talking... SB
Oh yes, this is a band I was eager to see on fine conditions in the sun at lovely Herzberg. Unfortunately the weather was not on our side and my hitch-hiking trip to the festival ground
from our ground 4 kms off took a bit longer (thank you dear local resident and the nice talk about Mr. Dumb - we were in sync!) so I arrived at the ground stumbling with a hurt on the left
foot and settling down on a bench listening to this great band puffing a cloudy for world's sake. Burg Herzberg Festtival is known for its wide range of musical content for many years
and in 2014 they invited TINARIWEN's soul brothers TAMIKREST to the festival which was a major success which even struck the headliner of that day, Frau Patrizia Schmidt, to invite their
"leader" up on the stage. Could've been the same this year, but Tinariwen was on Friday anbd Frau Schmidt played on sunday. Anyway, it was just logical for mind and soul to invite this
great band to the festival this year. Plasse don't misunderstand me: I think they would've been happy to carry off all that liquid soilmud to Mali, if it could've been beamed over there.
And I think everyone on Herzberg would've agreed with that. Enjoy this fabulous sounds from the 3rd stone muddy fields in the sunshiny blue skies...SB
FULL SHOW (81:27 min)
Sorry I don't have any idea of a setlist.
There are 18 tracks, first is the "Ansage/Intro" but I don't know any track title.
Maybe someone knows better...
Support this awesome band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your refreshed camel can carry!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread this, keep lineage and taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free.
If you want to sell (this recording)...may your bones dry in the sahara sands.
Exception, of course...homelands of the band.
Sorry, I don't have a clue about the lineup.
@ Tinariwen: Danke sch�n, das war wundervoll!
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2017/08/11
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