Mayfair Theatre @ Irish American Heritage Centre
Chicago, Illinois, USA
RoC front of balcony
> Audio-Technica AT943 / Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 w/ 4.7k mod
> Sony PCM-A10 (input level 8, AGC/limiter/roll-off disabled, 24/48 WAV)
> MAGIX Sound Forge Pro 16.1.4 (EQ, fades, resampled/dithered/saved-as 16/44 WAV)
> CD Wave 1.98 (Tracking)
> TLH (FLAC Lvl. 8, FFP)
On this night Tinariwen was:
Iyad Moussa Ben Abderahmane - guitar, vox
Sanou Ag Ahmed (?) - guitar, vox
Touhami Ag Alhassane - guitar, vox
Said Ag Ayad - percussion, vox
Elaga Ag Hamid (?) - guitar, vox
Cheikh Ag Tiglia - bass, vox
Play Time - 01:23:29
Koud Edhaz Emin
Cler Achel
Imidiwan Win Sahara
Alghalam Tiglistarha
Amassakoul 'N' 'Ténéré
Imidiwan Winakalin
Imidiwan Sadjdàt Tislim
Imidiwan Mahitinam
Tamatant Tilay
Toumast Tincha
Oualahila Ar Tesninam
-encore break-
Groovy guys. Hats off to the fellow in the blue-ish looking drab up and dancing from the start. The Mayfair
is an all-seated venue, but that didn't stop The Dancing Man from stepping up into the space between the
seats on the floor and the stage and getting his groove on. It was mostly him for the first few tunes, and
then *everybody* got up there with him and danced the whole show. It was cool to see from afar, but I was
glad to be with the other sensible seaters in the balcony. ;-) Koud Edhaz Emin and Cler Achel are a little
hot before I adjusted the levels on the A10, but they are still listenable.
Ibrahim was not present at this show. I'm fairly certain about the names of the other members present this
night based on what I can see of thier appearance and crossreferencing last year's KEXP performance, last
year's show in Switzerland that is currently seeded here on Dime, and the instruments used, but I'm not
100% sure about Sanou or Elega. The fella who is second to the left in most of the included pics has that
golden-ish guitar with the squiggly-looking line near the bottom of it that was also present last year in
Switzerland. The fella who is on the far right has the tan guitar that has a darker inlay and a Chicago
Music Exchange sticker on the "top right" of the body above the neck that was at KEXP last year. At least
one of those guys is named correctly, Sanou or Elega, so if anyone can figure out who is who I would very
much appreciate it.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: