Tito Puente
December 21, 1985
The Catalyst
Santa Cruz, CA
from 4 channel cassette master - Soundboard + Microphones matrix mix.
This show was not with Tito's big band that was based in New York City but with a smaller touring group.
No setlist - need help please.
CD#1: first set: 63:53
CD#2: second set: 47:56
The first half of the show has 1 monitor soundboard channel, 2 channels of Crown PZM microphones over the stage plus an ambient microphone mounted on the balcony railing. The second half of the show has 2 channels of monitor soundboard and 2 channels of Crown PZM microphones over stage without the extra ambient microphone on the balcony.
Dolby C Maxell XLII-S cassettes > Yamaha MT44D 4 channel recorder (4 channels of 45 minutes per 90 min. tape in one direction when sensor is on back of cassette)
Transferred: Yamaha MT44D (Dolby C on) > Macintosh with Echo Layla audio interface > AIFF > Pro Tools (matrix mix, time alignment & tracking) > AIFF
FLAC files (level 8) created with xAct. md5 file created with checkSum+.