Todd Rundgren & Utopia
Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island
November 11, 1977
Source: FM broadcast KRO radio on February 26, 1978
Lineage: MC > Tascam 202 MK III > HD > WAV > FLAC
draftervoi's notes:
Hans de Vente digitized his FM recording of a Todd Rundgren 1977-11-11 show from a Dutch radio station in the Summer of 2014. There was already a circulating version of a tape recorded by Dan Lampinski from an American radio station. Hans' tape has better audio quailty, but the first song cuts in during the first chorus, the start is missing.
The two versions also seems to have slightly different ambience; Hans tape has slightly wider stereo separation (to my ears...).
I chaptered and normalized Hans' tracks and did some other minor editing (removed a few pops, made the between song edits less jarring by getting the volume levels closer to each).
I have set this up so you have several options for dealing with the problem with the first track:
1: I've included the unedited Hans de Vente tape version of Trapped, which cuts in after the song has started.
2: I made a version of Trapped (file 01b) that edits together the Lampinski and de Vente versions.
3: The unedited Lampinski version of Trapped (file 01c), so you can do the edit yourself if you find my edit to be too jarring. If you don't like it, do you yourself! :)
4: The original American DJ intro (file 00) from the Lampinski tape, to be included or discarded as you see fit. If you include it, you get a show introduced in English and with the show credits in Dutch.
Todd Rundgren: guitars, vocals
Roger Powell: keyboards, synths, vocals
Kasim Sulton: bass, vocals
John "Willie" Wilcox: drums, vocals
01. Trapped
02. The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell
03. Abandon City
04. Love Of The Common Man
05. Back On The Street
06. Black And White
07. Communion With The Sun
08. Utopia Theme
09. Love Is The Answer
10. Crazy Lady Blue
11. Love In Action
12. The Death Of Rock 'n Roll
13. Dutch Radio Outro
Total time 49:05
Extra folder contains (see notes above):
00. American DJ intro
01b. Trapped (Lampinski and de Vente)
01c. Trapped (unedited Lampinski version)
If you like this old radio broadcast, Cherry Red records has issued a great show from a year later, Todd Rundgren & Utopia Live At The Electric Ballroom 23rd October 1978.
If we get lucky, Cherry Red will put out an official release of this Brown University show!
Many thanks to draftervoi for all his efforts and providing this show through his Voodoo Wagon blog.
Support the artists! Buy their official releases, go to their concerts!
Trade freely! Do not buy or sell! Keep it lossless!
Uploaded to TTD by propylaen2001 in August 2014.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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