Todd Rundgren's Utopia
Rich Stadium, Orchard Park, NY
July 10, 1976
Supporting Peter Frampton, Edgar and Johnny Winter
(Courtesy of Wes Meyette Archive)
Lineage: Unknown Gen Maxell XLII > Nak BX-300 > Sony PCM M10 24/96
Editing by Wes Meyette using CD Wave Editor
FLACs-->Audacity (boost left channel, normalize -1 db, speed-correction)-->FLAC8 16 bit
1.1 Overture - Mountaintop and Sunrise 1:07--->
1.2 Communion With The Sun 5:47
1.3 When The Shit Hits The Fan (Sunset Blvd.) 3:36--->
1.4 Le Feel Internacionale 2:42
1.5 Love Of The Common Man 4:00
1.6 The Seven Rays 10:09
1.7 The Verb "To Love" 7:07
1.8 band intros 0:41
1.9 Emergency Splashdown 5:37
1.10 Black And White 4:30
2.1 Heavy Metal Kids 4:52
2.2 Hiroshima 7:53
2.3 Singring And The Glass Guitar 22:38
2.4 Do Ya? 4:16
Trade freely - NEVER sell!!
Do not distribute as mp3