Todd Snider
Charleston Music Hall
Charleston, SC
September 5, 2021 [Sunday]
****Team Dirty South Recording****
source: Peluso cemc6/ck4 [narrow Rainey/balcony/dfc] -> E.A.A. PSP-2 -> Tascam DR-680 [24/48]
transfer: DR-680 -> Wavelab 6.1 [matrix/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> Wavelab 6.1 [Crystal/UV22HR] -> TLH [flac/8] -> FooBar
recorded by: Chris Davis and George
One Set:
01 - crowd
02 - Alright Guy
03 - Is This Thing Working
04 - Never Let a Day Go By
05 - story: East Nashville/Skip Litz
06 - Play a Train Song
07 - Rose City Blues/The Tunnel Story
08 - Sail On, My Friend
09 - Purple Mountain Jamboree
10 - Incarcerated
11 - Tillamook County Jail
12 - The Ghost of Johnny Cash
13 - story: Sock Water
14 - Just Like Overnight
15 - story: Money Talks
16 - Framed
17 - Sunshine
18 - Just Like Old Times
19 - Moondawg's Tavern
20 - story: Frayser, TN
21 - Working On a Song ->
22 - The Pilgrim [Kris Kristofferson]
23 - story: John Prine
24 - Handsome John
25 - Turn Me Loose
-thanks to Todd and The Music Hall for encouraging taping!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: