Title: 2012-04-24 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Live in Albuquerque, NM
Recorded live at the Tingley Coliseum
Recorded by sundeep
Mastered by rnixon
Artwork by: Nephronic
Lineage: Equipment: SP-BMC2-SPSB-11 (bass roll off @ 16 hz) - PCM-M-10
Tracks mastered and split by rnixon
SUN-CDR-087 (16 bit version)
The Band:
Tom Petty
Mike Campbell
Benmont Tench
Ron Blair
Scott Thurston
Steve Ferrone
Track Listing:
Disc 1:
1. Listen to Her Heart
2. You Wreck Me
3. I Won't Back Down
4. Here Comes My Girl
5. Handle with Care
6. Lover's Touch
7. I'm a Man
8. Something Big
9. Free Fallin'
Disc 2:
1. Travelin' Light
2. Time to Move On
3. Learning to Fly
4. Yer So Bad
5. I Should Have Known It
6. Good Enough
7. Refugee
8. Runnin' Down a Dream
9. Mary Jane's Last Dance
10. American Girl
Finally got around to sharing this. Thanks to rnixon and nephronic for the mastering and artwork! Plenty more to come!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: