Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
An Arena in Atlanta, GA
Tascam iM2> iPhone4 > 24bit/48hz> SonicStage > harddisk >audacity >track split &-->16bit/44.1hz >tlh flac level8
01-Rockin' Around (With You).flac
02-Mary Jane's Last Dance.flac
03-You Don't Know How It Feels.flac
04-Forgotten Man.flac
05-You Got Lucky.flac
06-I Won't Back Down.flac
07-Free Fallin'.flac
09-Don't Come Around Here No More.flac
10-Introduction of the Band.flac
11-It's Good to Be King.flac
12-Time to Move On.flac
14-Learning to Fly.flac
15-Yer So Bad.flac
16-I Should Have Known It.flac
18-Runnin' Down a Dream.flac
19- encore break.flac
20-You Wreck Me.flac
21-American Girl.flac
Recorded by Jorje from Section 312 Row R
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
TomPettyAndTheHeartbreakers2017-04-27AnArenaInAtlantaGA (8).jpg
TomPettyAndTheHeartbreakers2017-04-27AnArenaInAtlantaGA (9).jpg