Tom Waits
The WHFS Studios
(Interview with Don 'Cerphe' Cowell)
Bethesda - MD
DJ Don 'Cerphe' Colwell interviews Tom Waits at the WHFS studios ('High' atop the Triangle Towers) on the evening of September 06, 1975.
In the midst of the interview Tom breaks out into his 'Emotional Weather Report' rap... and he describes some of things he likes about small
venues such as clubs... FYI, towards the end I believe the clicking sound is Tom flicking the top of his cigarette lighter.
Tom plays a guitar and tells his story of 'Putnam County' and describes some work he did that year...An earlier recording of Phantom 309
which Tom performed the last time he visited the WHFS Studios is played and Tom performs 'Eggs & Sausage'...
Don 'Cerphe' Cowell invites Tom to come back and spin some wax... I am not sure if he ever did.
This another show from a trade. It's new to circulation. Not bad, aye. :-)
Quality - A
FM > Unknown generation cassette tape > Wav > Wave Pad Sound Editor > TLH > Flac 8
Almost all the annoying background hum has been removed.
The songs they are playing from Tom's albums during the program are omitted, as they are officially released *
01. Interview
02. The Heart Of Saturday Night *
03. Diamonds On My Windshield *
04. Interview
05. Ol' '55 *
06. Interview
07. Putnam County *
08. Interview
09. Big Joe And Phantom 309
10. Interview
11. Eggs And Sausage
12. Interview
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: