Here are both of Tom's shows at the 5th Ave Theatre in Seattle from 1999.
Both are very nice audience recordings, with the 19th being a bit better than the 18th. (More audience comes through in the tape from the 18th)
The varied setlist over 2 nights represents most of the material from the tour, and these tapes do that justice.
Generation is unknown, but the lineage goes:
Taper > CDR > CDR > Aiff > edits > CDR > FLAC > You
Made just a few changes on the hard drive:
Retracked both shows and lowered about 15 whoops on the first show.
Lowered some clap spikes at the beginning of tracks on both shows.
Also edited about 10 seconds out during the applause on the first show where the nearby audience was a bit distracting.
If you have heard these shows before, these are the same sources that circulate. No EQ was done to them. The taper faded the encore applause and removed it before circulating, but Tom made us work for almost 5 minutes each time, so no complaining there.
The real issue here is that Lucky Day cuts off on the end of the show from the 19th. Please everyone look around and see if we can't find an alternate source to patch that with!
Simple art is included, and it is basically what was sent to me with the discs. Remember to go buy some more Waits material-- Hell, if you have it all already, buy it for friends or ex-lovers... or just pick up that Down By Law DVD...
Tom Waits
5th Ave Theatre,ÊSeattle,ÊWA
The Black Rider
Jockey Full of Bourbon
Jesus Gonna Be Here
In the Colliseum
Get Behind the Mule
Chocolate Jesus
Fish in the Jailhouse
90 Dollar Cologne
Hold On
Eyeball Kid
Tango Till They're Sore
Old One or New One?
Good Old World
Cemetary Polka
Invitation to the Blues
Fall of Troy
Picture in a Frame
Innocent When You Dream
16 Shells From a 30-aught-06
Gun Street Girl
Who Are You?
Strange Weather
Cold, Cold Ground
I'll Shoot the Moon
Encore 1:
Fillipino Box Spring Hog
Shore Leave
Encore 2:
House Where Nobody Lives
Lucky Day Overture
Tom Waits
5th Ave Theatre,ÊSeattle,ÊWA
Jesus Gonna Be Here
Jockey Full of Bourbon
Earth Died Screaming
Cold Water
I Don't Wanna Grow Up
Get Behind the Mule
Chocolate Jesus
Murder In the Red Barn
Hold On
What's He Building?
Tango Till They're Sore
A Little Rain
Cemetery Polka
Frank's Wild Years
House Where Nobody Lives
Johnsburg, Illinois
Innocent When You Dream
16 Shells from a Thirty-Aught Six
Gun Street Girl
Who Are You
Blue Valentines
Blind Love
I'll Shoot The Moon
Encore 1:
GoinÕ Out West
Encore 2:
Step Right Up / Eyeball Kid
Encore 3:
Take It With Me
Lucky Day (cuts off)