Bits & Bobs
source: home recordings
length: varying, see individual tracks
(TT: 82.57)
quality: varying, most are very nice
Here are some tracks which I�ve collected over the years. Some pretty cool in the beginning, but the main part are the home recordings. It�s just Tommy and a guitar from 11-22, and at times it really feels like he�s just sitting right next to you, doodling on. Some of the song structures are easily recognizable, and I have added titles where applicable even though they don�t always sound exactly like they would when recorded with bands.
A nice collection and a look beyond studio productions into the mind of a true wizard.
1. - (full band instrumental demo) 4:40
2. Hello again (full band instrumental demo) 4:07
3. -Rocky mountains?- (guitar/vocals) 3:46
4. - (guitar/vocals) 3:58
5. - (two guitars, instrumental) 3:09
6. -untitled rehearsal- (bass / guitar) 6:20
7. The devil is singing our song (two guitars, instrumental) 4:40
8. The devil is singing our song (two guitars / bass, instrumental) 4:34
9. Alexis #1 (full band demo) 5:22
10. Alexis #2 (full band rehearsal) 4:49
11. - (two guitars) 3:59
12. 2:47
13. 4:03
14. 6:13
15. 1:02
16. 1:44
17. 3:23 "Gettin� tighter"
18. 2:30
19. 2:34 "Owed to �G�"
20. 2:59 "Marching powder"
21. 2:58
22. 3:11 "Poast toastee"