Rare Guitar, Muenster, Germany
August - 23 - 2013 (22:50 -> 23:55)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit, volume boost/balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours truly second row right side of stage. Unfortunately I was a seconds late for a better position. The result is a fine recording, but marred by the chatting crowd.
This is (to my ears) very much audible during the quiter parts of this show, but ok, quiter parts are rare...Anyway, I was very upset about that, and luckily the mics did not catch
up every conversation I heard...Sorry, no real pics from that show...
The Location:
RARE GUITAR is what you might image a guitar/bass shop in the old freight train depot at Muenster's port. A wonderful place around, but us musiclovers will get their eyes jumping out
of the face, when you get into it. A room filled with all kinds of vintage guitars/bass guitars (even an old contra bass! Woah, almost bigger than a man!) from all kind of Gibson models
to Fender Flying V's and everything in between...simply hundrets "nailed" on the walls...then a comfortable bar on the right side after the entrance. In the rear is the stage for shows
and space enough for about 100+ listeners. Been there for the first time, but certainly not the last time. A gorgeous place! Or like the motto is: "not just a's Rock'n'Roll"!
Feel free to visit their website at, or just jump in if you ever in Muenster or somewhere close. Opening times are Mo-Fr 15:00 -> 21:00 and Sa 12:00 -> 18:00.
Oh, and BTW, admission fee for this triple show was pre-sale 5 Euros! That's what I call quality value for a little money!
So, finally we got the headliner show from lat friday's triple concert at lovely RARE GUITAR in Muenster... What you get is URGESTEIN of Doom from Holland (as they stated) or the
NETHERLANDS. A three piece band, who just blow your face out. If you like some SpaceDoom...As this is definitely not my pair of shoes there is simply no reason why I'd put this on the
poison chance. But the room was packed to the limit, and besides me everybody seemed to really enjoy this show. And - for my efforts - hope you'll enjoy this, too. SB.
FULL SHOW (64:36 min.)
01. Phase six (09:47)
02. Phase seven (09:53)
03. Phase eight (13:15)
04. ... (11:11)
05. ... (13:28)
06. ... (07:00)
You see, the setlist is in need for help! If you know...
the usual bandcamp/facebook sites...
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!
If you sell...go straight to hell!
TONER LOW are...
DAAN - guitar
JACK - drums
MIRANDA - bass
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/08/25.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: