ArtiSchocken, Nuernberg, Germany
September - 17 - 2013
from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 037
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 Mic -> Olympus LS11 (at WAV 16/44) -> SD -> WETRANSFER -> my HD -> Audacity (edit, volume balance + boost) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear SEETHEFUZZ7 at first row almost dead center. Everything fine here, nothing really to complain about. All instruments are clear in the mix, and there's some heavy
fuzzy distorted bass as well. Just as you Doomers like it! But...well see my comment section...
About the location:
ArtiSchocken is a new music club/concert venue in the old Horten/Kaufhof shopping mall in the middle of Nuernberg. It's an obvious ugly concrete building from the 70's, and has been
not really used since the breakdown of big wholesale group some years ago. Maybe this really big concrete coffin was/is in use for different purposes meanwhile (cheaper than to tear it
down) this show was the first to be announced at the new club. And maybe as well the last. But what about the name? SCHOCKEN means in frankonian slang "GO SHOPPING", well instead of the
usual german word for "to SHOCK". Ok, to some people "go shopping" with their loved ones, just means a bit the same (to themselves, looking at their account..). And now there is the
wordplay on the vegetable as well...
Here's the aborted show from last tuesdays TONER LOW show in Nuernberg. There might be different opinons on this, as well as personal views. To me as an outstander (as I only did the
edit/ect and posting of this show) the trouble seemed to be unavoidable. First: As I was told there were 4 bands instead of three on the bill. So this makes up for a longer playtime.
It's a mystery to me why some concert promoters think that value is better than quality? From 4 bands only two were taped, as you get the GRAND ASTORIA set as well. But to ruin the work
of weeks or months only to bring up another local band? So, the truth is told within' a few words: An announcement that the police has been there, another (almost) aborted song and
the band left the stage. EndeAus-MickeyMaus! Well, in about more than 1000 shows I've posted here in the last 4 years, it's even a premiere to me. I can only think of a VIBRAVOID show
from last march, also in Nuernberg, which was shut down by government's hands and feet, but the same tapers as here left that show earlier.
So, dear fellow musiclovers, this 45 min. of TONER LOW is all there is, warts and all. Hope you will like this tape, though I think the band wasn't to happy. SB.
01. Intro -> (2:43)
02. Phase six (9:36)
03. Phase seven (10:37)
04. Phase eight (13:28)
05. Announcement (1:39) *
06. ... (aborted) (6:50)
* The police is listening, too...LOL!
the usual facebook ect. sites.
Support the band, go to their shows, buy their merchandise before the police shuts it down!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy blog/tracker use. Flac rules!
If you doomed in heaven...
DAAN - guitar
JACK - drums
MIRANDA - bass
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: