Too Slim & The Taildraggers
Keeping The Blues Alive
Zaal Thijssen, Vlierden
The Netherlands
Soundman OKM II Studio Rock mics > adapter A3 -20db > Tascam DR-05 @ 16/44.1
Recorded slightly right from center back, in front of the soundboard
Volume normalized, little eq, splitted in tracks with Reaper
Flac & SBE correction with TLH
Tagged with Foobar
There were 2 bands at Keeping The Blues Alive this afternoon: Too Slim & The Taildraggers & Jonn "Del Toro" Richardson.
Both bands did a great show, and afterwards they performed a unique "Blues-Jam" together.
During this Jam every musician changed instruments more than once. I can't recall who played what exactly.
Jonn "Del Toro" Richardson I can't share on Dime because Jonn didn't give me permission to do so.
He agreed with recording and streaming, but didn't wanted it on the web for downloading.
So I decided not to upload his show, but I couldn't resist to share this great Jam.
Pics are added.
01 Intro
02 ???
03 Been Through Hell
04 One More Gallon Of Gasoline
05 Talk
06 Stories To Tell
07 One Step At A Time
08 Talk
09 Blind Love (B.B. King)
10 Letter
11 Double Trouble (Otis Rush)
12 Trouble
13 Blue Heart
14 Talk
15 A little More True
16 ???
17 When Whiskey Was My Friend
18 Wash My Hands
19 Blood Moon
20 ???
21 Talk
22 Mississippi Moon
23 Intro
24 Riding In The Moonlight (Howlin' Wolf)**
25 That's Alright (Freddie King)**
26 ??? Looking For My Baby ???**
27 Going Down (Freddie King)**
Running time 02:45:47
Too Slim & The Taildraggers:
Tim Langford - guitar, vocals
Zach Kasik - bass, vocals
Jeff "Shakey" Fowlkes - drums, vocals
** with Jonn "Del Toro" Richardson, Lenny Paul Fatigati, Denis Agenet
Support the musicians, go to their shows and buy their music.
This recording is made by a fan for fans.
Share freely, don't sell or buy this recording (special not from,
who is selling all my recordings...Grrrrrr)
2019-11-17 upload to Dime by gadogado
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
TooSlimAndTheTaildraggers2019-11-10KeepingTheBluesAliveVlierdenTheNetherlands (7).JPG
TooSlimAndTheTaildraggers2019-11-10KeepingTheBluesAliveVlierdenTheNetherlands (8).JPG
TooSlimAndTheTaildraggers2019-11-10KeepingTheBluesAliveVlierdenTheNetherlands (9).JPG