Topical songs workshop - Brother Sun, Mark Erelli, Mary Gauthier, Michael Braunfeld
Tank Stage, Philadelphia Folk Festival, Schwenksville, PA

1 intro
2 intro
3 nothing much has changed here (ME)
4 our little secret (MB)
5 fox news (BS)
6 last of the hobo kings (MG)
7 talk
8 abraham (ME)
9 talk
10 thursday evening (MB)
11 talk
12 lady of the harbor (BS)
13 saddest train (MG)
14 talk
15 same for someone (ME)
16 talk
17 you weren't here (MB)
18 everybody's cryin mercy (BS)
19 mercy (MG)
20 the only way (ME)
21 willie short (MB)
22 in the name of love (BS)
23 thought I heard a train (MG)

SP-CMC-25 -> Olympus LS-10