Tor Miller
Haldern, Germany
Dorfkirche St. Georg
Haldern Pop Festival #32
14. August 2015
minimax master-series #517
Master - Audience recording
Genre: singer/songwriter playing piano like a bar-man
Taping-location: front row, right side
Sound-quality: excellent-
Weather outside: hot and sunny, about 27�C
Ticket-costs: about 100,- �
Equipment: Zoom H4N � Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8
After a choir and an orchestra (playing Grateful Dead) and SOAK this was the fourth act I grabbed that early afternoon in that church on this years' Haldern Pop. Tor played some nice songs on the big piano, talked a lot to us. F.e. That he played in some american bars as an enntertainer years before. And listening to some of the songs up here I think you all can believe that as the songs sound that way.
Including Cover-Artwork!
Tor Miller
Setlist: (help me out!)
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Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: