Tori Amos 2011-12-17
Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles CA
schoeps cmc34->naiant tiny box->tascam dr-2d ->cool edit->
cdwav->trader's little helper
01 Shattering Sea
02 Mr. Zebra
03 Suede
04 God
05 Nautical Twilight
06 Snow Cherries from France
07 Crucify
08 Ophelia
09 Josephine -> improv
10 Siren
11 Cloud on my Tongue
12 Star Whisperer
13 Total Eclipse of the Heart (Bonnie Tyler)
14 That Guy
15 Pretty Good Year
16 Fearlessness
17 Our New Year
18 Spring Haze
19 Cruel
20 A Multitude of Shades
21 Winter
22 Father Lucifer
23 Precious Things
24 Big Wheel