TivoliVredenburg (Pandora Zaal)
Utrecht, the Netherlands

DPA ST2006C (Balcony rail, DFC, spread ~ 1 m) > Aerco MP-2 > Sony PCM-M10 (24/28)

01 Shake Hands With Danger
02 Prepare Your Coffin
03 The Catastrophist
04 Ox Duke
05 Tesseract
06 Gigantes
07 The Clearing Fills >
08 Dot/Eyes (It�s All Around You)
09 Yonder Blue
10 tortoise2016-02-11t10
11 Eden 1
12 Hot Coffee
13 Gesceap
14 Encore Applause
15 [Encore] I Set My Face to the Hillside
16 [Encore] High Class Slim Came Floatin' In
17 2nd Encore Applause
18 [2nd Encore] Seneca

Dan Bitney
John McEntire
John Herndon
Jeff Parker
Doug McCombs

Adobe Audition 3.0 (EQ, normalization and fades), r8brain (conversion from 24/48 to 16/44.1), CD Wave (tracking), and Trader's Little Helper (flac and ffp).

Thanks to Tortoise; Lily (Thrill Jockey); Oliver (tour manager); and Gerko and Sander (TivoliVredenburg) for recording permissions.

Recorded, mastered, and tracked by Aaron Isaacs (