Stonehaven Folk Festival
Tradition Bearers Concert
Sunday 13th July 2014
St. Bridgets Hall
Martin Carthy
Moira Craig
Alison McMorland
Hector Riddle
Skip Gorman
02..[05.20]..ALISON -Burns An His Heilan Mary
03..[06.41]..ALISON -Traiveller's Joy
04..[04.02]..HECTOR -The Muckin' o' Geordies Byre
05..[04.23]..HECTOR -The Dying Ploughman
06..[04.03]..MOIRA -Lord Lovat
07..[03.14]..MOIRA -High Jeannie High
08..[05.55]..MARTIN -Young Emma
Martin can't remember the 1st line/verse of something then gives up and goes to-
09..[03.49]..MARTIN -William Taylor The Poacher
10..[09.54]..ALISON -Time Wears Awa
11..[06.31]..HECTOR -McGinty's Meal & Ale
12..[04.03]..MOIRA -The 23rd. Psalm
13..[06.17]..MARTIN -Young Morgan
Time for Coffee and Biscuit, then on to-
01..[05.53]..ALISON -The Flyting o' Life And Death
02..[04.54]..HECTOR -The Buchan Bobby
03..[05.15]..MOIRA -Both Sides Of The Tweed
04..[04.03]..MARTIN -Don't Go In Them Lion's Cage Tonight
05..[10.24]..SKIP -Utah Carol
06..[08.52]..ALISON -The Grey Selkie o' Suleskerry
07..[04.33]..HECTOR -Princey and Jean
08..[04.41]..MOIRA - ?
09..[10.54]..MARTIN -The Lochmaben Harper
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From the Festival Blurb -
Tradition Bearers
Sunday 13th July Concert 1:00 pm St Bridget�s Hall
Showcasing some of the best in Traditional song throughout the UK. Hosted by Bothy Ballad singer
Geordie Murrison and this year featuring Hector Riddell, Alison McMorland, Martin Carthy, Moira Craig.
Hector Riddell has lived in Finzean beside Banchory for 40 years, but hails from Leochel Cushnie,
near Alford. He has known the old bothy ballads for many years but has only started singing them in
public relatively recently, being crowned Bothy Ballad King at Elgin in 2009, 2010 and 2013.
Alison McMorland was born in Renfrewshire into a musical family. Since then she has enjoyed a long
involvement in traditional music on various levels: singer, collector, broadcaster, author and tutor
on the Scottish Music course at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow.
Moira Craig is from East Kilbride, where her family have lived for generations. Her grandfather,
father and brothers were all singers and musicians. At family parties her brothers and she took
turns singing and entertaining. She has long been recognised by club and festival goers for her
superb interpretations of Scottish, Irish and English songs and ballads.
Martin Carthy For more than 40 years Martin Carthy has been one of folk music�s greatest innovators,
one of its best loved, most enthusiastic and, at times, most quietly controversial of figures. His skill,
stage presence and natural charm have won him many admirers, not only from within the folk scene, but
also far beyond it.
An afternoon concert in a Church Hall. Low stage, with 4 mic. stands, behind them 4 chairs & on them, Left to Right,
Alison McMorland, Hector Riddle, Moira Craig and Martin Carthy.
Also 'present' [see intros to 108 & 110] were 2 full size papier mache figures of Jeannie Robertson, standing left
rear and Willie Scott seated extreme right, on Martin's left.
Not the best accoustics here, as you'll hear, and couple that with loose seating on a wooden floor, so plenty of footsteps,
chairs scraping, doors banging, mic. stands being bashed, cars passing; you get the picture.
There was no attempt made to balance the 4 mic.s, so the levels were all over the place. I've tried to bring them
to one level, boost one, cut another, to make it a bit more enjoyable. Applause has been toned down considerably.
Between song chat has been boosted a fair bit, to try and make it bit more audible, they did tend to forget there
was mics. at times. I've cut some of the Bangs and Coughs, but there's plenty left.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: